I work at a mental health center. I'm the person that answers the phones, so I'm the first person to deal with any of the crazy folks that come our way. It can be a very interesting and wacktastic.
Last week a dude called and wanted to know if we provided "anger management" classes. I said no, but that we have several therapists that deal with those kind of issues, and would he like to make an appointment? He wanted to know how much a session was. So I quoted him the price. He then asked how many sessions it would take to clear up his problem I told him I really couldn't say. That would have to be a decision between him and his therapist. He started to get a bit peeved and demanded to know HOW MANY SESSIONS WOULD IT TAKE AND HOW MUCH WAS THIS GOING TO COST HIM! I told him it depended on how angry he was. Mayyyyyyybe not the most professional response . He replied rather loudly "MAYBE YOU NEED ANGER MANAGEMENT". I thanked him for his suggestion and hung up the phone.
My Audiobook Journey. Publishing – Part III
5 years ago
Crazy....Crazy for bein' so ....crazy!!!
Bist du 'mon amie'? Ich habe nur ein bischen Deutsch und keine Fransosich. Liebe!
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